Friday, February 4, 2011


Does this make sense? You sell off a perfectly good truck (that you just spent $5,000 in modifications and maintenance) in order to buy a used Honda civic. And in roughly six months you again plan to sell off the civic before leaving for college.He just can't seem to make up his mind. Everyone else says hes being just stupid but he doesn't believe anyone.

 Going from ^^^ to.....


  1. Well, did he turn any kind of profit after selling the truck with its modifications? Or is he losing money by doing all of this.....

    If so, what a moron lol

  2. I'm voting with the no sense crew.

  3. Not really sure if it makes sense. then again i'm a girl!

  4. lol, not really. clean blog, following.

  5. Fuel economy maybe? Filling up a truck sucks, whereas fulling up a civic isn't that bad.

  6. Well, better gas mileage maybe? Depends on how old the civic is. Though if the second pic is anything to go off of, he wants to race. lol

  7. dude, wut.
    but dont worry, i still follow you ;)

  8. Yeah i'm with you, i'd be keeping the car not switching

  9. Obviously has no idea what to think about it. Ether that, or doesn't care.

  10. It's all about the peer pressure. I will say that I hate Hondas with a fiery passion. Ricer kids at the school I attend need to blow up their engines hitting V-TEC in races.

  11. The 2nd truck picture seems to have its link broken. You should save the picture from its source and upload it directly.
    That way, you'll never have Xs in your picture boxes!
